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April 29th 2006

APOCALYX Screenshot

  • The April Challenge ends now but the official results will be available in a few days, please be patient!
    The next tournament is the May 2006 JROBOTS Challenge (May 6th-27th 2006)

  • Thanks to GregM and Angsuman are now available two new tutorials in the Tutorials page.
    The first presents some pseudocode that helps cadets to lay down the algorithms of their jrobots. The code is commented with clear explanations.
    The second revels the source of the shortest effective jrobot ever written. The few lines of code demostrate that even simple ideas can build up competitive jrobots.

April 8th 2006

APOCALYX Screenshot

  • The April Challenge starts NOW!.
    Upload your jrobots to win the April 2006 JROBOTS Challenge (April 4th-29th 2006) aka Extended Play!
    Remember that you can send your robots even during the challenge, so you're never too late. To read the results in real-time simply visit the Veterans' Battle Applet page or the Cadets' Battle Applet page.

    April 4th 2006

    APOCALYX Screenshot

    The cadets' league of this month played very few matches so the results are unreliable. I don't know why that happened. There are two possible causes: the visitors and CPU donors of the cadets' league were a reduced number in comparison with the last months, or some of the new uploaded jrobots sometimes crash the Java virtual machine, so only few matches per session are played.
    Anyway the new jrobots haven't reached the requested percentages or the requested number of matches to survive, thus they were removed. For what regards the promotions, I don't think that is agood idea to promote anyone because of the low number of played matches. Bad jrobots could be promoted, so it's better to wait the results of the next tournament.
    To summarize, the jrobots Gp, T900, Gladiator, unoROBmille, Gip were removed, all the others cadets survive.

    Also on the veterans' side the number of played matches were low, but at least acceptable. As usually happens in these circumstances, Tango failed to get another triple Victory. In fact, IonStorm won the double category. It seems that IonStorm can menace the Tango superiority but can't sustain it on the long run.
    The survivors among the veterans are: 845bytes, Ladybug, Berserk, GulleFjun, Kraft, Bosozoku, Mouth, Janeway, Teddybear, Shrike, StrangeMatter, Bizarro, RoboOlm, Bohan, FlameBall, KillerBees, Stately, DOOM, HellFire, IonStorm, Starkle, Tango; while the demoted jrobots are: DarkSoldier, FoxSierra, Leech, Phalanx, NumeroOtto, NeoBot, Stinger, Touche, Battlemage, Ciaky, MaudDib, ELECTRON, RauaRoobert, DarkSoldier, Yoda, CounterStrike.

    Now you can upload your jrobots to win the April 2006 JROBOTS Challenge (April 8th-29th 2006) aka Extended Play!

  • For more information
    send an email to
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