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November 8th 2008
The end of the September-October Challenge does not show many new jrobots. The only one were Ulisses and S (yes, just an "S"). The first was removed because of its poor results, the second did not achieve the requested percentages to be promoted.
In the Veterans' League the stronger jrobots are always the same (even if most of them has not been improved for years). This testifies that the virtual-clock generator smooths the hardware advancements giving reliable results even after so many years of challenges.
Then, in the Cadets' League we can see the usual struggle among strong jrobots that fail to survive long enough in the Veterans' League. I'm sure that they need only a few improvements in their strategies to be much more effective.
The Cadets' League results are:
- Promoted: AronsRobots02, MarukoV4, Vampire, Dragon, Grappelli, Butterfly, KillJoy, Earthworm, Mouth, Stately.
- Survivors: Touche, GenuineA, Shark, Nemesis, RoboScape, Genuine, Ender, S, AronsRobot01, DirtyCoward, DeathIncarnate, Snutteplutt, Yoda, EvilElmo, Shrike, DeadDuck, CounterStrike, Singularity, Bizarro.
- Removed: Ulisses.
Among the veterans the results are:
- Survivors: GulleFjun (T), Tinker (DT), FlameBall (T), KillerBees (D), Bohan, DOOM, RoboOlm (ST), Headhunter (SD), HellFire (SD), TTL, StrangeMatter (5-3-5), IonStorm (4-2-4) Starkle (3-6-3), Spike (2-4-1), Tango (1-1-2).
- Demoted: Berserk, DarkSoldier, LadyBug, RatBot, Jimbo, Errata, Bosozoku, 845bytes, Janeway, Teddybear, Hal9000.
Now you can upload your jrobots to win the November-December 2008 JROBOTS Challenge (November 8th-December 27th 2008) aka Towards 10 Years of Challenges!
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