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November 27th 2005

APOCALYX Screenshot

At the beginning of this month, Frank provided a brand-new server for the JROBOTS on-line tournaments and, finally, a new challenge could take place. Thank you very much, Frank! We can loudly say that happy days are back again!
Thanks to this new server, there was also a renewed interest in JROBOTS contests, in fact 12 (I say 12!) new jrobots were uploaded to the arena. In the past months only a maximum of one or two new jrobots appeared at once during a tournament, so I hope that now new strong competitors can challenge the long-aged veterans.
Unfortunately, the new jrobots were uploaded when the contest was almost at the end, so they didn't collected enough matches, but can show their real value in the next competition. Anyway there is the exception of GiovyT and Ladybug. The former was a first attempt and didn't reach the requested percentage to survive, while the latter was surprisingly good and was promoted!

For what regards the veterans, there are bad news for ELECTRON, Yoda, Hellfire and StrangeMatter. These jrobots were posted during the last off-line challenges and performed quite well among cadets, but it seems that the last contest was very hard among veterans and only eleven jrobots survived. They are: Tango (another triple victory), IonStorm, Starkle, Headhunter, Stately, DOOM, Mouth and, survived thanks to only one category, Bohan, KillerBees, RoboOlm and GulleFjun. So the veterans' dirty dozen lost a component.
ELECTRON, Yoda, Hellfire and StrangeMatter apart, also Bizarro and FlameBall failed to reach the requested percentages.

On the cadets' side, we already cited the appearance of 12 new jrobots. They are: Shank, RobotripII, NeoBot, Neo, Satellite, Carnage, DirkGently, Banny, GiovyT, GiovyVbis and Ladybug. GiovyT was removed, but a replacement already exists in GiovyVbis that survived, while Ladybug deserved a promotion. We'll see its value among the veterans during the next challenge. All the other components of this cadets' dirty dozen played too few matches and didn't reach the fourth of total matches limit to consider their results valid. Togheter with RauaRoobert, they will try again their chances in December.
To summarize, Shank, RobotripII, NeoBot, Neo, Satellite, Carnage, DirkGently, Banny, RauaRoobert didn't reach the requested number of matches and stay in the arena; GiovyT was removed; Leech, Touche, Ajax, Sprate, GiovyVbis, Phalanx, NumeroOtto, Stinger, Ciaky, MaudDib survived; finally, Shark, DarkSoldier, 845bytes, Platoon, Kraft, DirtyCoward, Berserk, MarukoV4, Vampire, Snutteplutt, Ladybug, Jimbo, Bosozoku, Dragon, DeadDuck, Shrike, Teddybear, CounterStrike, Janeway were promoted. Thirty jrobots at a time: The veterans' league is going to be very crowded.
Particularly relevant results are those of: CounterStrike and Janeway in single mode, Teddybear in double mode and Berserk in team mode. A special mention again to Ladybug as the best novice.

Now you can upload your jrobots to win the December 2005 JROBOTS Challenge (December 3rd-24th 2005) aka Stay Tuned For More Happy Days!

November 6th 2005

APOCALYX Screenshot Happy days are back again! Thanks to Frank, the server-side scripts of JROBOTS have found another host, so I changed my mind and I'm going to start an on-line challenge, instead of running the announced boring off-line tournament. This challenge is going to be a testing one, so please report any problem you would experience with the new site. Thank you in advance!

Finally you can upload your jrobots to win the November 2005 JROBOTS Challenge (November 6th-26th 2005) aka Happy Days are Back Again!

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