The results of the August 2003 JROBOTS Challenge are available at the Challanges Page.
Finally we have the first (real) Cadets promoted to Veterans. There are in particular two jrobots, DOOM and Starkle, that gain percentages higher than the average of my jrobots. Also bohan achieved a good percentage in Single mode. Another new jrobot promoted is DeadDuck but it seems less effective. A lot of my jrobots were promoted too, but they already made an attempt to survive in the Veteran's League and they failed, so it is very likely that they are going to fail again.
Only RoboTard and Leech were not promoted, but they remain in the Cadets' League because they got at least a percentage of 25% in Single or Double mode or 12.5% in Team mode. Only Redstorm doesn't fit the requirements and it is removed from the arena.
The Veterans' League saw again the defeat of the complete set of jrobots coming from the Cadets': Jimbo, MarukoV4, Vampire and Ciaky will face the incoming novices during the next tournament.
IonStorm placed first in all the three categories with a percentage in Team mode that can't be compared with the others: The KillerBees' record is now repeated, still one tournament and it is going to be broken.
Now you can upload your jrobots to win the September 2003 JROBOTS Challenge (September 6th-27th 2003) aka Cadets vs Veterans!