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January 29th 2004
I published the latest interview with the players of JROBOTS. You''ll read that techniques mutuated from Finite State Machines may be useful to develop strong jrobots:
"An interview with Greg Hatch, the winner of the Lonely Ranger competition" by Samuel J. Grabski
I must thank again Samuel for organizing the interview and Greg for his interesting answers. This is only an excerpt:
Samuel: Greg, I am very glad that you won this competition since you are from Texas and I always thought: "If someone wins (the Lonely Ranger Contest) he should be from Texas!" How hard was it to win?
Greg: Well, to be fair - I'm not a true Texan, I'm just another displaced Yankee. It was very challenging for me to win the Lonely Ranger competition.... (Read More...)
January 28th 2004
- The final results of the January 2004 JROBOTS Challenge are available on the Challanges Page.
The fourth year of JROBOTS challenges started with another triple victory of IonStorm. Tango achieved a triple-second place, but it seems that its author is surprised by the result. I hope that the analisys of the statistics of the matches will explain what happened. I think that we'll read something about this subject on the mailing-list soon. The third place is still owned by Starkle, but GulleFjun beat it in the Team Category: A very good result for a bot coming from the Cadets' League.
The other bots still in the Veterans' League are the strong Headhunter (in Single and Double of course), the veterans among the Veterans KillerBees and Mouth, the two new DOOM and Stately. The last one won the "Lone Ranger" prize and in a few days an interesting interview with its author will be available for reading.
As usual, a few bouncing bots were degraded: They are DeadDuck, bohan, Dragon, Ciaky, Touche and Shark.
On the novices side, there is the confirm of the new FlameBall. It appeared at the end of the previous tournament and didn't reach the requested number of matches to be promoted. Now it won the Single Category, revealed itself weak in Double, but confirmed its strongness in Team Category with a second place behind Berserk. The other promoted bots are, as usual, Jimbo, MarukoV4, Vampire, Snutteplutt, Phalanx, Platoon and DirtyCoward.
There is plenty of bots that survived in the Cadets' League but are too weak for the Veterans'. They are: NumeroOtto, ThisIsNew (brand new), NumeroSette, Ajax, Cruel, OneEyeW, Leech and Edge.
Finally, five bots were removed for their low percentages: NumeroQuattro, EdyRobot (brand new), Sniper, Rabbit, Rook. I think that the players recognized the last three: I can't explain myself why someone uploads the bots of the SDK package, anyway it happens...
Waiting for the official confirm on the mailing-list, presumedly the prize that is going to be assigned this month is the
February 2004 prize aka "Last Samurai" for new CADETS' League players
The new winner of the Single Category will receive freshly printed Canadian dollars banknotes for a total amount of 30$. Good luck!
Now you can upload your jrobots to win the February 2004 JROBOTS Challenge (February 4th-28th 2004) aka Last Samurai!
- Next to come another interesting interview of Samuel J. Grabski with the best players of JROBOTS. You''ll read how techniques mutuated from Finite State Machines made of Stately one of the strongest jrobots in the Veterans' League:
"An interview with Greg Hatch, the winner of the Lonely Ranger competition" by Samuel J. Grabski
Stay tuned!
January 17th 2003
It's now available for for reading
"An exclusive interview with Alan Lund, the most successful player in Jrobot's history" by Samuel J. Grabski
Don't miss it! You'll discover that behind every strong jrobots there is a great player.
I must absolutely thank Samuel for organizing the interview and Alan for his interesting answers. This is only an excerpt:
Jrobot's success is not possible without great people with brilliant minds and big hearts contributing to the game. I have privilege to interview Mr. Alan Lund author of IonStorm, by far the most successful player in JRobot's long history.
Samuel: Your robot has dominated the arena for many years including the latest series of consecutive triple victories in all categories. Could you tell us about the history of Jrobots from your perspective?
Alan: JRobots started several years before I got involved, and my knowledge of its early history is mostly what you can get by reading old messages on the Java Jousters mailing list.
As you would expect, strategies have changed over time and the best robots have gotten more complicated... (Read More...)
January 15th 2004
January 7th 2004
The January 2004 JROBOTS Challenge starts now.
Remember that you can send your robots even in the course of the challenge, so you're never too late. To read the results in real-time simply visit the Veterans' Battle Applet page or the Cadets' Battle Applet page.
Remember also that Samuel funds two prizes won by Krippe in the past tournament but now reassigned by himself to pure novices who are going to win the Double and Team cayegory of the CADETS' League.
The prizes assigned for this month are:
(old-)NOVEMBER prize aka "Double Duet" for new CADETS' League players
The new winner of the Double Mode will receive freshly printed Canadian dollars banknotes for a total amount of 30$.
(old-)DECEMBER prize aka "A Magnificent Eight" for new CADETS' League players
The new winner of the Team Mode will receive freshly printed Canadian dollars banknotes for a total amount of 30$.
Read past news for more details and... good luck!
January 2nd 2003
The final results of the December 2003 JROBOTS Challenge are published on the Challanges Page.
- First of all a news about my current project: GUN-TACTYX
GUN-TACTYX, my "CROBOTS-like game with QUAKE3-style graphics", marches very fast towards its candidate release. The following are four screenshots of the game. If you are interested, visit APOCALYX (the OpenGL 3D engine used to develop GUN-TACTYX).

Now the news that you are waiting for...
During this month, two prizes were going to be awarded to the new winners of the Double and Team categories of the Cadets' League. Freshly printed new CND dollars banknotes for a total amount of 30$ for each category were the prizes for each category (CND=Canadian Dollar). I announced some days ago that the prizes for the Cadets' League were assigned to the author of the great GulleFjun, who got a triple victory. Then I discovered that Krippe (the author of GulleFjun) and Kristian (the author of Snutteplutt, a good jrobot promoted at the end of the November tournament) are the same player! I don't know if the rules of the prizes reserved to pure novices were infringed in any way, so I leave the decision to Samuel, the owner of the prizes. Read the future messages on the javajousters mailing-list (http://www.onelist.com/group/javajousters) for more details.
However GulleFjun achieved a triple vicoty with very high percentages and it is going to show all its valor in the Veterans' League. Its brother Snutteplutt was degraded instead from veteran to cadet. Other promoted jrobots are, as usual, DeadDuck, bohan, Dragon, Ciaky, Touche and Shark. No pure novice succeeded in the enterprise to promote his jrobot.
I have some hope in FlameBall that got good percentages, but didn't reach the requested limit of matches played because it was uploaded too late. During the next tournament it is going to show its real value. Other jrobots that survived in the Cadets' League are: Phalanx, DirtyCoward, NumeroSette, Platoon, Leech, Ajax, Edge, Cruel, OneEyedW, NumeroOtto and NumeroQuattro, while Test, NumeroCinque and NumeroSei were removed.
I always ask myself why some players upload their test jrobots in the online arena, but I can't find an answer to this question.
Now let's consider the Veterans' League. An announced event has happened: Tango won the tournament in the Single category, while IonStorm achieved a double victory in Double and Team category. IonStorm AND Tango are now the strongest jrobots in the arena and a good third is Starkle: All the other jrobots follow them. Confirmed veterans coming from the Cadets' League are DOOM and Stately. Other confirmed jrobots are, as usual, Mouth, KillerBees and Headhunter.
Vampire, MarukoV4 and Jimbo were degraded instead and, unfortunately, even two jrobots coming from the Cadets' League were degraded: The already cited Snutteplutt and Berserk that won the Team challenge in the past tournament. They have chance to be promoted again.
Now you can upload your jrobots to win the January 2004 JROBOTS Challenge (January 7th-28th 2004) aka Four Years of JROBOTS Challenges!
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