May 31st 2003
At the end of the last tournament IonStorm got an incredible triple 80%, but this time its percentages are above a more reasonable 70%. Reading the statistics of the matches, it seems obvious to me that the "weighted selection rule" has played an important role in reducing the percentages: The number of matches was higher than before and more matches were played between stronger jrobots.
However IonStorm got another triple-victory and now only three tournaments last to go to equal the KillerBees's record of consecutive triple-victories. The new jrobots don't seem very effective and I don't think that another Tango is going to appear soon. As you remember, Tango broke the first tentative of IonStorm to break the record in December.
The other placings are always the same: Tango, Headhunter, Mouth and KillerBees are still there and do their job (to reduce the percentage of IonStorm) at best.
On the novice side, Piranha and DreamBOT were removed. It's always very difficult for novices to compete with veterans and get percentages above the 20%.
Now you can upload your jrobots to win the June 2003 JROBOTS Challenge (June 4th-28th 2003) aka Still 3 Triple-Victories to Go!
May 28th 2003
- The May 2003 JROBOTS Challenge had to end today but it is extended until the 31st of May. The results of this challenge are quite stable and IonStorm didn't reach the 80% victory-matches percentage in any category this time: The large number of matches favours fights between top jrobots. I'll write more on this topic on saturday. The next challenge (the June 2003 JROBOTS Challenge) will take place from the 4th of June until the 28th of June.
APOCALYX (my OpenGL 3D Engine) has a new PHP-Nuke based site. Check it at and send me any comment or suggestion to improve it.
May 7th 2003
The May 2003 JROBOTS Challenge starts now.
Remember that you can send your robots even in the course of the challenge, so you're never too late. The latest robots are stored in the file You can download it to test off-line the behaviour of your robot against the other challengers. To read the results in real-time simply visit the Battle Applet page. Good luck!