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Do you want to develop your own Jrobot?

First, you need the latest

  • Jrobots SDK 4.2 (Applet & Docs) (184 Kb - ZIP file - January 3rd 2005)
    This file contains an advanced version of the Arena Applet, the source of some sample robots, the documentation and the tutorials (tanks to Caos for the code he provided).

  • Jrobots SDK 4.0 (Applet & Docs) (150 Kb - ZIP file - November 1st 2003)
    This file contains the classic version of the Arena Applet, the source of some sample robots, the documentation and the tutorials (tanks to Moray Goodwin, Christo Fogelberg, Alan Lund, Tim Strazny, Walter Nisticò and Samuel for their good suggestions and the code they provided).

  • Jrobots SDK 3.1 (Applet & Docs) (150 Kb - ZIP file - September 4th 2003)
    This file contains the 3.1 version of the Arena Applet, the source of some sample robots, the documentation and the tutorials (tanks to Moray Goodwin, Christo Fogelberg, Alan Lund, Tim Strazny and Walter Nisticò for their good suggestions and the code they provided).

    Features of the applet:

    • now a machine independent simulator is available (it uses a virtual clock generation technique)
    • it's a resizable applet that runs even as a Java application (when it is run as an application you can save the results of the robots in the arena)
    • you can save the results even running the arena as an applet (using cut & paste)
    • you can see the graphs of the results to test the performances of your robot
    • the matches can run automatically one after the other
    • two selection modes are available: Random and Weighted
    • the user can select all the robots that fight in the arena
    • the robots of the same team have a unique color
    • the user can hide or highlight scan sectors
    • the target point and the trajectory are drawn when the missile starts
    • explosions are drawn using the real damage radius
    • the three damage areas of the explosions are drawn with different colors
    • the velocity vector of the robot is visible
    • the path of the robot is visible
    • a damage bar is shown near the robot
    • the speed of the simulation can range form 1/8 to 8 times the normal rate

  • Jrobots Challengers Class Files (120Kb - ZIP file - October 14th 2005)
    This file contains all the challengers active in the online arena during october 2005.
Then, if you don't have any Java Development Kit, you can download the old JDK 1.0.2 from SUN ( There are advanced versions, but you don't need them to develop Jrobots. You can also find a 1.0.2 version of the Java JDK in the "Files" section of the JROBOTS mailing-list.

Do you want the source codes of the Jrobots simulator?

You don't need these files to play Jrobots. Download the ZIP only if you are interested in the source code of the simulator

  • Jrobots SDK 4.2 (Sources) (50 Kb - ZIP file - January 3rd 2005)
    This file contains the latest version of the source code of the Arena Applet and the source code of three advanced robots of mine (Platoon, Phalanx and Stinger).

  • Jrobots SDK 3.0 (Sources) (50 Kb - ZIP file - September 4th 2003)
    This file contains the 3.0 version of the source code of the Arena Applet and the source code of three advanced robots of mine (Platoon, Phalanx and Stinger).

Are you interested in the original Tom Poindexter's 1985 Crobots for DOS?

Here it is:

For more information
send an email to
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