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June 30th 2004
Read the final results of the June challenge at the Contests page.
After the disastrous contest of May, the June challenge was a regular one. Only the number of matches played by the cadets was too low, so we can't fully trust the results. Anyway a large number of the cadets was promoted and the next challenge is going to be very crowded in the Veterans' League.
Among the Veterans another surprising result was achieved: Even Starkle succeeded in the exploit of beating IonStorm, at least in Single Mode. We can see also that Bohan survived among the veterans even if its author was quite worried about this month's difficulty level. To survive will be easier during the next contest thanks to the fact that a lot of weak cadets were promoted.
The other results are more or less the usual ones. The survived jrobots are: Tango, Starkle, IonStorm, Headhunter, Stately, DOOM, Bohan, Mouth, KillerBees, FlameBall and GulleFjun. Degraded jrobots are: Bosozoku (goodbye to the last samurai), DirtyCoward, Kraft, Snutteplutt, Jimbo, Berserk, MarukoV4, Vampire.
In the Cadets' League the low number of matches made easier to be be removed or promoted: It was only a matter of luck. However, some bots haven't reached the requested number of matches to have their results accepted and the percentages in other modes were too low, so they were removed. Survived jrobots in the league are: ThisIsMe, Morpheus, Joobot4000, Ajax, Edge. Removed jrobots are: Slayer, Johnny5, Atmanbay, Derek1, Rotob, BigPimp, MasterKormaz, BigPimp2, BusDriver. If you can't find your cadet in these lists, it means that it was promoted to veteran: you'd better to improve it, if you don't want to see it back in the cadets too soon.
Now you can upload your jrobots to win the July 2004 JROBOTS Challenge (July 4th-31st 2004) aka The Independence Day! alias The Cadets Attack!
June 26th 2004
The June 2004 JROBOTS Challenge ends now! As usual, the official results and more comments will be published on wednesday, June 30th. The results of the past challenge are already available on-line to the Alan Lund's "Watch" utility: Simply prepend an "old" string to the names of the default files (robots.txt and combats.txt become oldRobots.txt and oldCombats.txt, while robotsCadets.txt and combatsCadets.txt become oldRobotsCadets.txt and oldCombatsCadets.txt)
Now you can upload your jrobots to win the July 2004 JROBOTS Challenge (July 4th-31st 2004) aka The Independence Day!
June 5th 2004
The June 2004 JROBOTS Challenge (June 5th-26th 2004) starts now.
Remember that you can send your robots even in the course of the challenge, so you're never too late. To read the results in real-time simply visit the Veterans' Battle Applet page or the Cadets' Battle Applet page. Good luck!
June 2nd 2004
Read the final results of the challenge at the Contests page.
After the great contest of April, the May challenge suffered a lot of problems. CFXweb, the site that hosted JROBOTS since year 2000, was hacked at the beginning of the month just when the new contest had to start. For more than a week was not clear what really happened, but in the meantime the JROBOTS site migrated to SourceForge. Annoying bugs apart, the matches of the May challenge could run for two weeks. I must thank all the people who donated CPU time to the Cadets' League providing enough matches to get significative results. Unfortunately a bug in the server side scripts caused the creation of multiple copies of Bohan, the winner among the cadets. As someone suggested, I removed all the matches played by entries 15 and 16 (Bohan's clones), so some of the matches were lost. The bug is now fixed, so the new challenge is going to start regularly.
In Veterans' League, Tango achieved its second triple-victory. In the current arena, only IonStorm can stop it and I'm sure that one day or the other an anti-Tango IonStorm will appear. Other results are more or less the same of the past challenge. The jrobots that remain in the Veteran's League are, as usual, Tango, IonStorm, Starkle, Headhunter, Stately, DOOM, Mouth, KillerBees, FlameBall and GulleFjun. All the other were degraded to cadets. They are: DeadDuck, Dragon, Janeway, Touche, Ciaky, NumeroOtto, Shark, Platoon, CounterStrike*, Ajax, Leech and Morpheus.
On the cadets side, there are a lot of new jrobots, but some of them didn't reach the requested number of matches to have their results omologated. Finally Bohan succeeded in being promoted and got very interesting percentages. Let's see if it is going to survive among the veterans. Other promoted bots are: Bosozoku (the last samurai), Jimbo, Snutteplutt, MarukoV4, Vampire, Kraft (a brand new jrobot), Berserk and DirtyCoward. Bots that survived among the cadets are: Cruel, MasterKormaz (a brand new jrobot), Stinger, Phalanx, Derekl (another brand new jrobot), OneEyeW, Edge and ThisIsMe. Finally, Joobot4000, Rotob, Atmanbay, BigPimp and BusDriver (even these are brand new jrobots) should be removed since they didn't reach the requested percentages to survive, but they play very few matches (not enough to have their results omologated), so I'll give them a second chance in a regular contest.
Now you can upload your jrobots to win the June 2004 JROBOTS Challenge (June 5th-26th 2004) aka Happy Days are Back Again!
The final results of the First GUN-TACTYX Championship are available at http://guntactyx.gameprog.it. The winner in the two categories (Fight and Soccer) are respectively "gunny" and "lunch". "gunny" is a bot of mine and I could win only because this one was the first championship... I don't think I'll be competitive for a long time. Instead "lunch" was written by the same author of our Starkle and won the Soccer competition without moving! If you want to know more about the May Championship of GUN-TACTYX visit its official site.
Players can upload their teams to win the June 2004 GUN-TACTYX Championship (June 20th-27th 2004) aka When the game becomes hard...
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