March 31st 2005
Finally the long wait for the beginning of the sixth year of JROBOTS challanges came to an end. In fact the first official contest among bots written in the Java language took place in the far April 2000, so the current challenge completed the first five years. The last tournaments didn't show much movement among the veterans or the cadets. There are more or less the same cadets bouncing from one league to the other and the same strong jrobots that confirm as veterans. Let's see if the sixth year is going to bring new authors and new ideas to revive the competiton and stimulate the active players.
During this challenge again 14 jrobots confirmed themselves as veterans. They are: Tango, Starkle, IonStorm, Headhunter, DOOM, Stately, Bohan, KillerBees, Mouth, RoboOlm, Bizarro, FlameBall, GulleFjun and Bosozoku.
An usual amount of jrobots were demoted: Ciaky, Shark, DLVer1, ELECTRON, Vampire, Touche, MarukoV4, Dragon, DirtyCoward, Snutteplutt, DeadDuck, and, for only a few tenth, also DarkSoldier.
Among the cadets, the changing of the guard shows the promotion of: Janeway, Shrike, Teddybear, Jimbo, Counterstrike, Berserk, MaudDib, Kraft, Stinger and Platoon. Only one jrobot was removed from the arena because of its poor performances: CounterStrike2, while Morpheus, Leech, MasterKormaz2, Ajax, OneEyeW, NumeroOtto and Phalanx survived.
Now you can upload your jrobots to win the April 2005 JROBOTS Challenge (April 2nd-30th 2005) aka The Sixth Year Begins!
March 26th 2005
The March Challenge ends now. The official results will be available in a few days. Please, be patient.
You can read the current on-line results to grab an idea of the final outcome.
The next tournament is the April 2005 JROBOTS Challenge (April 2nd-30th 2005) aka Six Years od Challenges!
March 5th 2005
The March 2K5 JROBOTS Challenge (March 5th-26th 2005) starts now.
Remember that you can send your robots even during the challenge, so you're never too late. To read the results in real-time simply visit the Veterans' Battle Applet page or the Cadets' Battle Applet page. Good luck!
March 3rd 2005
The results of the february challenge don't show any surprise. The number of matches played by the cadets was quite low and this can explain some odd results, for example Edge and Joobot4000 were removed from the arena because they didn't reach the requested percentages to survive. They usually got the needed victories, but now they didn't succeed probably for bad luck.
Other changes in the arena, usual changing of the guard apart, are the demotion of Teddybear and MuadDib from veterans back to cadets, while DLVer1 was promoted to veteran, probably for good luck. Finally Bosozoku and RoboOlm succeeded in surviving the close competition of old aged veterans.
So now the survivors among the veterans are 14... their number grows. They are: GulleFjun, Bosozoku, FlameBall, RoboOlm, Bizarro, KillerBees, Mouth, Bohan, Stately, DOOM, Headhunter, IonStorm, Starkle and Tango.
Jrobots demoted are instead Morpheus, Platoon, Leech, MaudDib, Jimbo, Berserk, Kraft, Counterstrike, Shrike, Janeway and Teddybear.
The 12 cadets promoted are Touche, Shark, DirtyCoward, Ciaky, DLVer1, ELECTRON, Vampire, MarukoV4, Snutteplutt, DarkSoldier, DeadDuck, Dragon.
Are still cadets: OneEyeW, MasterKormaz2, CounterStrike2, Stinger, Phalanx, NumeroOtto.
Finally, Edge and Joobot4000 were removed. Goodbye, Edge and Joobot4000!
Now you can upload your jrobots to win the March 2005 JROBOTS Challenge (March 5th-26th 2005) aka Still One to Go and the Sixth Years Begins!