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December 30th 2000
The Second Millennium Jrobots Finals have their winners, or better their winner.
It seemed impossible but now it's real: for the first time in the history of Jrobots a single robot won all the three categories. Its name is KillerBees and its authors are WalterNistico and BingleFish.
Another great robot is Epa1. It got very good placements in all the three categories with two second places in Double and Team play. Pulse1 is less versatile, but it won a second place in Single play.
The robots fought a total amount of 9039 battles. To see the results read the Challenges page.
Here is an abstract:
Single Winner | KillerBees | by MontyFish | 90.95% |
Double Winner | KillerBees | by MontyFish | 96.76% |
Team Winner | KillerBees | by MontyFish | 63.14% |
Thanks to all the authors for this great challenge. Now you can upload your robots to win the Third Millennium First Jrobots Challenge aka KillerBees vs The Rest of The World in honour of the great result of KillerBees.
December 26th 2000
There are only four days to the end of the Second Millennium Finals. For the second time in the history of Jrobots the same robot promises to win the three categories: KillerBees, a GREAT robot for a GREAT challenge.
I want to thank its two authors for this result: WalterNistico (designer and coder) and BingleFish (designer). In the previous challenges these two players wrote the Montys (top winners in single and double categories) and Fish (winner of the team category) respectively.
There are still few days to go, but I think that the percentages of KillerBees are large enough to secure the final result. It seems that nothing and no one can stop it... Can someone take up the gauntlet in the next challenge?
December 21st 2000
The Second Millennium Finals promise well. There are still only few matches played, but three of the new robots are the best candidates for the final victories:
- First of all, KillerBees (7Kb) was programmed by the authors of the Monty-series and Fish. They join their capabilities, so it's difficult to achieve such a good result for other (single) authors.
KillerBees strategy: it runs against the enemy, then at fire distance it follows a zig-zag path; in team play, all the robots run to the same corner (like a swarm of bees) and move around it, so their fire power is very destructive in that sector. A really bad guy!
- Then there are Pulse1 (4Kb) and Epa1 (9Kb). The first is strong in single play, while the other gets better results in team and double play. But the best of team play is still Fish. Its walk in flocks back and forth the top row is the best strategy I've ever seen.
The challenge has a long way to go, so we'll see some changes in the future placements.
December 18th 2000
Finally the Second Millennium Finals run! You can send your robots even in the course of the challenge, so you're not too late.
The latest robots are stored in the file jjrobots_challengers.zip. You can download it to test off-line the behaviour of your robot against the other challengers. This file will be updated periodically, however you can visit the downloads page to check the upload date of the robots in the arena.
Good luck to all the players!
December 14th 2000
Well, the OFFICIAL beginning date of the finals has moved. The owner of CFXweb rented a new (faster) server and the people at Cerebellum (the hosting company) copied the files without the correct privileges. This mistake provoked the failures you noticed in the CGIs. Then I don't know when they give me again the access to the FTP server, so I'm unable to change anything on the site.
I'm really sorry for this problems, but it's not my fault.
I hope that the challenge will start regurarly soon.
December 13th 2000
It's official: the beginning of the Second Millennium Jrobots Finals is anticipated to December 14th. I think this is not a problem, because you can upload your robot even in the middle of the challenge. Good luck to all the Jroboters!
December 12th 2000
In the weekend an uninstaller malfunction has COMPLETELY ERASED the C partition of my hard disk :(
This event causes a delay in my activities. I'm forced to anticipate the starting date of the Second Millennium Jrobots Finals to December 14th. I'm really sorry for the inconvenient.
December 8th 2000
Idx3D won the four-days poll between the two Java 3D engines. Anfy3D earned only ONE vote.
While you wait for the 3D arena, you can see the model of a rotating 3D robot-mech. But if you dream of four teams of eight 3D robots each firing 3D missiles with 3D explosions and 3D particle smoke, you'd better to write to Santa Claus asking for a 1GHz CPU :)
December 4th 2000
I need YOUR help. I'm programming the new Jrobots3D arena and I must choose one of these two 3D engines written in Java: Idx3D or Anfy3D. Please, click on the links and vote for the engine that works better on your browser. Thank you!
December 2nd 2000
Excerpt from the mailing-list:
BingleFish: Just a note to let everyone know that Walter Nistico and David Boehm (Bingle Fish) will be working together to produce a robot with the
current working name of "MontyFish"
I hope everyone is OK with this, and hence the announcement.
WalterNistico: I confirm what David Boehm said, we'll be working together to try to develop the best robot in all the three categories; everyone is warned, so prepare for the tough competition!
Leo: The strongest robots togheter! I'm going to write a 10Kb StingerSharkPhalanx and I accept the challenge. Who else?
December 1st 2000
The November 2000 Jrobots Challenge has its winners. It was a very great challenge: the robots fought a total amount of 28126 battles. To see the results read the Challenges page.
Here is an abstract:
Single Winner | MontyZ | by WalterNistico | 79.24% |
Double Winner | NeoMonty | by WalterNistico | 78.52% |
Team Winner | Fish | by BingleFish | 74.34% |
December 1st 2000
The limit of the robots file size is now 10Kb (10240 bytes).
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