July 29th 2006
Unluckily, we had another unfortunate cadets' tournament this month, in fact almost at the end of the challenge the cadets' result file became corrupted and most of the outcomes of the matches was lost. I'm sorry for the problem, but it was a long time since the last result file corruption that it should be a very uncommon event.
Probably the even happened because of the large number of cadets in the league. Since most of then are very weak and survive month after month only for a few percentage points in a single category, I think it's better to change the rules and apply them even to this months results. In practice, only the cadets that achieve a 50%,50%,25% at least in two categories are promoted, and only the cadets that are below the 25%,25%,12.5% in at least two categories are removed, except when the result in the other category is above the 50%,50%,25%.
Thank to this new rules a lot of very weak cadets were finally removed and only the most effective were promoted to veterans. Thus the final results are as follows.
Promoted cadets: Touche, Stinger, Kraft, NeoBot, Phalanx, DirtyCoward, Ender, GenuineA, Genuine, AronsRobot01, DeadDuck, MarukoV4, Snutteplutt, Ladybug, Ciaky, Berserk, Bosozoku, Vampire, Janeway, Teddybear, RoboOlm.
Survived cadets: ELECTRON, DarkSoldier, Leech, 845bytes, DarkDestroyer, Sprate, sprayer, Platoon, Yoda, DirkGently, Jwpazz, Gip, Ajax, Battlemage, Worm, Shark, FoxSierra, MaudDib, RauaRoobert, NumeroOtto, CounterStrike, Dragon, Shrike, KillerBees, Bizarro, Earthworm.
Finally, removed cadets: Mine, Rabbit, Debil, Dafnetyc, Dafneltyc, Hamilton, Halo, Shank, DarkDestroyerV04, KennyBlankenship, Joyal, GiovyVbis, GipStrict, ImprobDrive, Jwpazz2, GipLarge, AlessioV3.
During the next challenge we'll see if a more clean cadets' arena will improve the number of matches and the reliability of the results.
On the veterans' side, we had the usual fair and interesting tournament. This time the arena counted only 12 jrobots and the competition was very hard. At the end only 5 jrobots achieved the requested percentages to survive. They are: HeadHunter (for its result in single category), Starkle, IonStorm (good third place), StrangeMatter (good second place) and Tango (another triple victory).
The other were demoted and I hope they are going to do a little more selection among cadets. They are: GulleFjun, Mouth, FlameBall, Bohan, Hellfire, DOOM, Stately.
Now you can upload your jrobots to win the August 2006 JROBOTS Challenge (August 5th-26th 2006) aka Gimme Five!
July 1st 2006
It happened again! The number of matches among cadets was very small and the results can't be considered as reliable, in fact while 1000 matches per category are satisfactory among veterans, the same is not true is the crowded cadets' league with 54 teams! Thus I decided to keep the current results and let the cadets' tournament run for another month. Finally we'll discover which of the teams really deserves a promotion.
On the veterans' side, the results are more clear. 18 teams fight one against the others and only 12 survived but it's not the usual wonderful dozen. In such a competitive arena, KillerBees suffered a defeat and in July it is going to show its power among the cadets: It's not the first time that such an event happens, but it is always surprising. Other demoted veterans are: Dragon, DarkSoldier, Jimbo, ELECTRON, CounterStrike.
Other teams survived only for their good behavior in a single category. For example, GulleFjun, Mouth, FlameBall are good in team mode, while Hellfire in doubles. The jrobots that reached the 50% in all the categories are Stately, IonStorm, Starkle, StrangeMatter (with a triple second place) and Tango (with another triple victory).
The cadets' league is going to be more crowded that ever with at least 60 teams struggling. Let's see if the results of the next tournament are going to be significative.
Now you can upload your jrobots to win the July 2006 JROBOTS Challenge (July 1st-29th 2006) aka Five Dozens of Cadets!