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March 28th 2003
I'm sorry to inform all the players that I must extend the duration of the March tournament. I'll publish the results on April 2nd and the next challenge will start on April 9th and last until April 30th.
The placing list shows no great surprises except the good percentages of KillerBees favoured by a lot of VOID jrobots uploaded during the challenge. IonStorm achieved another triple victory and no one seems able to stop its long run to break the KillerBees' record this time.
The new tournament will start with a clean arena and I hope that no more players will upload the jrobots of the SDK package. I have a long aged rule: Not to remove any jrobot from the arena during a challenge and I've broken it only one or two times in three years, but the players (I mean novices) must be fair.
Remember also that your jrobot must be compiled with the "-target 1.1" option to generate a class file compatible with older JDKs and the JVM of the Internet Explorer. This request is specified at least on the uploads page and you are required to follow it, thank you!
In my spare time I continue to upgrade my OpenGL 3D engine. I put another brick to build a future 3D JROBOTS-like game and you can see the screenshots of the latest demo at the APOCALYX 3D Engine site. Follow the links about the BSP Levels Loader. YES, now the engine can load almost complete Quake III BSP levels: No more flat lands but complex environments that future 3D-jrobots can explore and fight in.
If you try the demo, you'll experience a walk in a building. To keep the demo small, I've included only a simple level taken from the "Quake III Arena Demo". If you have got a copy of the game "Quake III Arena" you may copy the file "pak0.pk3" in the same folder of the "BspDemo.exe" program, so you can experience all the BSP levels included. You can do the same with other PK3s of the MODS of Quake III, but in that case you must rename the files to "pak0.pk3".
If you try the demo, feel free to send your impressions and suggestions to the APOCALYX Staff (me ;->)
March 1st 2003
The March 2003 JROBOTS Challenge starts now.
Remember that you can send your robots even in the course of the challenge, so you're never too late. The latest robots are stored in the file jjrobots_challengers.zip. You can download it to test off-line the behaviour of your robot against the other challengers. To read the results in real-time simply visit the Battle Applet page. Good luck!
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