July 28th 2003
The results of the July 2003 JROBOTS Challenge are available at the Challanges Page.
A long waited feature of JROBOTS is now available: The Cadets' League is up and running. During this tournament an experimental version with very few matches took place. I placed there six old jrobots (first appeared in 2000) and now it seems that all works fine. I hope to see some new effective jrobots fight in this new arena to win a promotion in the Veterans' one. The rules of the tournaments are not fixed yet and I hope that a whole month (August) is enough to experiment any modification.
The Veterans' League saw the defeat of the complete set of my jrobots. From Platoon (the eldest) to Touche (the yougest) all were degraded to Cadets. The most effective were Dragon in Single and Double mode and Shark in team mode. I'll try to win the next to come Cadets' tournament writing a DragonShark jrobot that adopts a mixture of the two tactics, anyway the novices will face the full set of my jrobots in August, so I think it's not going to be very difficult for newbies to be promoted in the Veterans' Arena next time.
As usually happens, IonStorm placed first in all the three categories with a percentage of more than 80% (88.6% in Single mode!) and only one tournament lacks now to broke the KillerBees' record of consecutive triple-victories. The other strong jrobots (Headhunter, Tango, KillerBees and Mouth) got more or less the usual placings with good percentages favoured by the weakness of my creatures.
The Cadets' League was not significative for the low number of matches played, but it was useful to remove some annoying bugs. Anyway four strong old aged jrobots (Jimbo, MarukoV4, Ciaky and Vampire) were promoted to Veterans: That's why the next tournament is also known as Revival 2!. Now they are going to face the state of the art in the programming of jrobots: Will the old guard retreat?
Now you can upload your jrobots to win the August 2003 JROBOTS Challenge (August 2nd-30th 2003) aka Revival 2!
July 14th 2003
An experimental version of the new JROBOTS leagues is available. Now there are a VETERANS' league and a CADETS' league. I hope that the change is not going to cause any damage to the current tournament, but any new jrobot uploaded now will be added to the CADETS' arena. More details about new rules will appear before the next tournament. Feel free to send any comment about the new leagues using the mailing-list. Thank you!
July 5th 2003
The July 2003 JROBOTS Challenge starts now.
Remember that you can send your robots even in the course of the challenge, so you're never too late. To read the results in real-time simply visit the Battle Applet page. Good luck!